Rötiberg Delivery


Our Broker BICM waited on the airport for the release of our wine, late night they took the way to Baguio and delivered soon after customs release. Thank you BICM!

Internal Wine Tasting

From left to right, Stephanie, Cherry, Pia, Lea and Marfe, tasting the newly delivered variety of Rötiberg wines. A relaxing, fun and educative experience.

ThomFix Team

The complete ThomFix Team with a happy smile after tasting 6 new wines.

Rötiberg Sortiment of wines

All Stickers with Import Information on the Rötiberg sortiment
All Stickers from BIR on the whole Rötiberg Sortiment 
All our various wines now available for sale, contact us..... 074 424 4966

ThomFix Wine Tasting

Soon we will announce our first public wine tasting event at the Dichter-Chäller of ThomFix Inc. in Tuding, Itogon. Our Sommelier Lea will guide you through our wines and history! Limited to 8 People, so reserve your glass as soon as the date is released with Lea,           0956 726 5776